May is Mental Health Month in America. 25% of homeless individuals in the U.S. suffer from some form of severe mental illness, compared to 6% of the general population. This article is a tribute to the daily positivity of one homeless man in the face of all his struggles. One of the friendliest people I […]
It’s clear from recent changes that the mission of the Women of the Wall is gaining traction. The Jerusalem District Court ruled recently that the Law of Holy Places does not require “local customs” to be Orthodox practices, that police had no reason to detain the Women of the Wall earlier this month and that […]
What could be funnier than watching an Israeli McDonald’s commercial that features a troop of Secret Service agents rounding up Israeli teenagers in order to whip up a burger and fries for President Obama? Watching the same exact commercial, but from 2008, with a certain ex-President Bush receiving the burger and fries. That’s right. McDonald’s ripped themselves […]
In yet another of Buzzfeed’s relevant and so-funny-cuz-it’s-true series of list-styled articles, staff writer Arielle Calderon wrote an article entitled “21 Things You’ll Never Do Again After Graduating College.” And while I wouldn’t say it’s one of Buzzfeed’s best articles (now, that would make an excellent list), it clearly hit home with a lot of […]
After searching far and wide, we finally found the perfect person to make up our trinity of judges for our inaugural essay contest-Forward editor at large J.J. Goldberg. He brings years of writing experience and a unique perspective on Israel to the panel. A founding member and past secretary general of Kibbutz Gezer outside Tel […]
“Lead us from the unreal to the Real; Lead us from darkness to Light; Lead us from death to Immortality,” the audience repeated after the speaker. Though they were there to memorialize the Holocaust, their words did not come from the Torah, nor are they found in Christian Bible or the Quran. The prayer came […]
It’s the recent opening of Cinderella on Broadway, and excited crowds of kids and adults pour in to be taken in by the magic. The lure of witnessing a fairy tale live and breathing, and reliving those magical moments from childhood in the process, is enough to draw in most audiences. Like others who grew […]
One question: Why? To clarify: Why Forbes Israel, why? The lovely group over at Forbes Israel (as if “ANTI-SEMITE FODDER” isn’t written all over that one…) has recently released a report that would make Moses roll over in his grave: The World’s Richest Jews. Unfortunately, the list is in Hebrew. Fortunately, that doesn’t seem to […]