Gufim: Words on Blood, Butches, and Body

Illustration by Orev Kaim

This essay is part of Gufim: Our Jewish Bodies, a 2024 series by New Voices writers that explores embodiment, physicality, and our relationships to our bodies through a Jewish lens. Gufim focuses on disability & chronic illness, eating disorders and body liberation, queer/trans experiences, race/racism, and more. Our writers explore these issues through writing, art, and Torah.


Shechita: Butchered Butch and His Shochet

My shochet approaches

Soon butchered butch

Her skillfully selected chalif

Illustration by Orev Kaim

Sharpened with such dedication

That in the instance

Her thumb was slit

She would feel no pain

Blade free of blemish


Examine me, beloved Shochet

Trail loving palms across my skin

I swear to your knife edge

This soon-to-be-meat

Is without imperfection

Suffering neither injury

Nor illness


Utter the prayer of your ancestors

Sanctify my departure

From this realm

Each syllable recited with a

Comforting steadiness

Sealing my fate as a beast for slaughter


My shochet caresses

Jaw with firm grasp

Exposing flesh to

Impending brisk incision

Solace found in

Her measured breathing

Rhythmic exhale

We both know will

Outlive my own


You do not long for my

Final moments to be illuminated

By the excruciation of death


For my body altering to that of 

A treyf being’s

Would void this soft tissue

Of being torn and ground

By kashrut-honoring

Illustration by Orev Kaim

Lipstick stained teeth


And in an unflinching sweep

Slice clean through my esophagus

Which guides chewed cud

Towards awaiting stomach

Expose the inner walls of

These tracheal cartilage rings

Sever threads who encourage

Lifeforce through me

My carotid and jugular


Dearest Shochet, gaze upon

The remaining vessel

Shroud him in your beauty

Allow my soul to linger

Within the iron-tasting air hanging between us

Before you drain the blood

From my throat

Illustration by Orev Kaim



Loneliness Builds a Home In Disability

Chest-crushing loneliness

This subtle suffocation

Is not a recent addition to my reality

Disability has pinned me here in the past

My sweet cicada wings nearly crackle with the pierce

Dusty, and threatening a satisfying crunch

Over two decades caked with bouts of isolation

This is no new iron tinged taste

To my drying lips

But there is something sicker, more devastating this time around

For it is not my brain locked in my mind

But my whole consciousness sealed away inside the rotting casing

Of my vessel

There is a comfort in dark, drawn curtains

When the goal is to protect loved ones from my destructive grasp

Now, there is no logical reasoning for this bleak solitude

I cannot persuade myself that I am doing right by the world, tucked away in my enclosure

My appendages are immobilized not by

My own free will

But by deteriorating joints

Who wither and whine when I stretch towards the thin hints of light

Which creep from the windowpane

Orev Kaim is a visual artist and poet from Texas. He enjoys the crows and creeks of his hometown, drawing alongside friends, and cultivating connections in his local Jewish community.

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