A Seder for Two: Me and Elijah


Ashton Macklin, the 2023-24 Judaism Unbound/New Voices Magazine Jewish Media Fellow, created a beautiful and deeply moving Passover resource. Check it out at www.judaismunbound.com/sederfortwo, and you can find printable and accessible versions at the links below.

Ashton: Passover, like many Jewish holidays, has over time molded its practices to contemporary conditions. Some notions of it have become the norm, and there can be a danger that we expect every Jew to experience holidays in that particular manner. Being one of those Jews who does not experience Passover via a classic family seder, I created this vector collage to illustrate how I believe others like me can connect to “house holidays” such as Passover.

For a printable version, split into a few separate pieces, click here.

For a version that is fully textual (no images), accessible for those who are visually impaired, click here.

A preview of the vector collage: 

Hailing from Houston, Texas, Ashton Macklin is a first-year student at Carleton College studying Linguistics and Sociology, with interest in pursuing the rabbinate post-graduation. In his free time, he loves to work hands-on with anything that he finds interesting, from beekeeping to bagpiping to teaching at museums. He binds his pursuit of knowledge and love of life to his passion for Judaism.

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