Well, if you want to make good on that promise, all you have to do is buy yourself a ticket. But if you’re willing to be less extreme– say, take a vacation to the Bahamas for a week instead– JetBlue will help you fill that usually empty threat, according to ABC News.
This has been a tough, and unusually polarizing election season. JetBlue feels your pain. This year, instead of having to spend November 7th grumbling by the water cooler about how the new president is going to run this country into the ground, you can instead spend it at the beach (grumbling about how the new president is going to run this country into the ground…).
That is, if you’re lucky enough to be one of the 1,006 winners of JetBlue’s election promotion. All you have to do is go to their Election Protection site, and vote for your preferred candidate. If he loses, you’re entered in a raffle to win one of the 1,006 round-trip tickets to one of 21 international destinations. (Or, simply vote for whoever you think will lose the election, and you have a higher chance of winning the ticket.)
And, let’s face it– you’re not leaving America for good. There’s just too much bad TV everywhere else. So JetBlue’s offer is for round-trip tickets. Which, if you do the math, means they’re giving away 2012 seats.
So, spend this November 7th with your beloved [insert name of party] comrades, drinking away your [insert lost political views for this country] with a round or ten of Carribean Pain Killers.
We’re not saying this is the more important of the two elections. But it can be the more enjoyable one.