“So this is where deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon exists: In a vast white space populated by magically appearing and reappearing figments of his imagination.” [+972 Magazine]
PunkTorah, of all people, becomes only the second outlet (after us, of course) to do any real reporting on the demise of JDub. [PunkTorah]
Herman Cain proves his mettle as a presidential candidate… by announcing that communities should block the construction of mosques if they want? Oh dear. [JTA]
Another troubling moment in Israeli democracy as a Palestinian MK is barred from speaking in Knesset. [Tikun Olam]
A follow-up to this JTA piece from a week ago, here’s more on how Canadian campuses are full of Jew-hate or something. [Ynet]
Small synagogues in small towns across American create “living wills.” [Forward]
Remember that flotilla that never left Greece? Apparently some French yacht made it out… and then got intercepted by the Israeli navy. [Haaretz]