Amid the recent controversy in Vancouver about George Galloway and the Canadian Gaza Flotilla, Tarek Fatah is a breath of fresh air. The Canadian author and advocate has dedicated his life to promoting a more liberal version of Islam. However, his opposition to Shariah and support for gay rights has made him the target of much criticism from parts of the Muslim community in Canada. But Fatah’s most recent book focuses on trying to bridge the Muslim-Jewish divide. In The Jew is Not My Enemy, he challenges anti-Jewish literature and argues that hating Jews is against the Islamic spirit.
Tarek Fatah reminds us all that there are those who seek to build, not destroy, bridges between Jewish and Muslim communities. His moderate voice is refreshing and inspiring. Too often in modern day discourse, the radical fringes drown out the multitudinous middle. In this process, compassion and understanding are lost.
But Fatah’s work can be one starting point for a progressive, authentic dialogue. As an honest, probing book, it builds a foundation for conversation. However, if the writings and ideas of people like Fatah are viewed in isolation, they will never overcome the existing barriers. Therefore, they need to be supplemented by interfaith initiatives that foster personal connections. Only by actively engaging with one another can Jews and Muslims create a healthier relationship.