Every day it seems bleaker, and the true moderates in Israel’s society seem weaker. These nasty developments speak volumes. Consider:
The Palestinians refuse to recognize Israel as a Jewish state in return for an extension of the settlement freeze, putting another nail in the peace coffin. [JJ]
The Israeli cabinet approves a required loyalty oath for all of Israel’s new citizens, showing even more shades of intolerance and the death of liberal democracy in the Jewish state. [TPM]
But on a more optimistic note, some settler rabbis actually visited the recently vandalized Palestinian mosque and condemned the attack. [Jeff Goldberg]
And on the domestic front, will the Tea Party hurt Jewish Republicans? [JW]
Finally some comic relief. This headline says it all: “Erotic Paintings of Paris Life Find a Florida Home.” Bubbe’s gonna love that in Boca. [Forward Arty Semite]
Read more: http://blogs.forward.com/the-arty-semite/132030/#ixzz125pA6emg