The Reading List: Soros brouhaha and more!

George Soros, shown at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland in January 2010, "never made any secret about his contributions to J Street," his spokesman said. (Courtesy of World Economic Forum)Here’s the latest not-news news from the wild world of Jewish journalism. Apparently, George Soros, the leftist billionaire who supports progressive causes in Israel, actually funds J Streeet. The only reason this is news is because Soros was rumored, back in the day, to be behind the formation of J Street, but then the group claimed that he wasn’t involved because his (what some people call) not-so-unequivocally-pro-Israel views were too far out of the mainstream. But apparently not all of that is true. [JTA]

Meanwhile, as long as we’re on the topic of Israel and peace, Jeff Goldberg has an ultra-sensible suggestion for Bibi Netanyahu: extend the settlement freeze, drive the radical parties out of your coalition and bring Kadima in. How novel. [Jeff Goldberg]

And in leftist Israel news, the Jews are steering the latest Gaza-bound flotilla. Unfortunately for them, the flotilla was so Memorial Day. It’s already fall, folks. Time to think of a new controversial way to help Gazan civillians. [Jewish Boat to Gaza]

In lighter news, Old Jews Telling Jokes is turning into a TV show, which will probably be lame.  [Forward Shmooze]

And speaking of TV shows, Harvard University now has a class featuring “The Wire,” which I think says something cool about how TV has become a medium for smart, relevant entertainment while simultaneously being accepted as such by the cultural elite. [Washington Post]

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