The Reading List: Would you wear a kippah on Good Friday?

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
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The Daily Show’s John Oliver wouldn’t. Arguing with resident MOT Jon Stewart about religious freedom and taboo, he says: “Jews can wear yarmulkes on Good Friday to celebrate the day you successfully murdered our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That’s your right to do that, Jon… But no one would actually be so insensitive as to actually do it!” This interchange comes at the end of a hilarious examination of the “Ground Zero Mosque” issue. [Daily Show]

Speaking of the Ground Zero Mosque, it may have cleared the voting hurdles, but according to a report by Politico, it has neither the funds nor the staff nor the general competence to actually complete the project. So much for that. [Politico]

And speaking of people mistaken for terrorists, are these men Islamic fundamentalists, or do they just love Phish? [Jam Band Fan or Taliban?]

And speaking of people in their 20s who sit around smoking pot all day, check out this feature worrying about the post-college years becoming a decade of delayed adulthood. [NYT Magazine]

And speaking of things we should worry about, here’s a group of settlers whose sole mission is to edit Wikipedia to “ensure that it is balanced and Zionist in nature.” Contradiction in terms, anyone? [The Lede]

And speaking of divisive Jews, apparently Uganda’s Jewish community isn’t Jewish enough for Uganda’s other Jewish community. [Failed Messiah]

And speaking of Orthodox Jews, here’s one that was tragically gunned down in a Brooklyn liquor store. [The Shmooze]

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