A Numerological Snapshot: February 2008

New Voices by the Numbers 

Percentage of Americans who answered in the affirmative when asked in 1964 if they thought that Jews “have a lot of irritating faults”: 40

Percentage of Americans who responded the same way in 2007: 13

Number of days for which Jewish issues blog JVoices stopped posting during November and December “in Solidarity with the Writers Guild of America strike”: 46

Percentage of American Jews who think that “most” or “many” American Muslims are anti-Semitic: 57

Percentage of American Jews who think that “very few” American Muslims are anti-Semitic: 6

Percentage of NYU students who said that they would sell their vote for a year’s tuition: 66

Percentage of NYU’s undergraduate class of 2006 who bore student loan debt upon graduation: 61

Average student loan debt of that class: $34,417

Average student loan debt of seniors graduating from four-year colleges in New York state in 2006: $21,092


1-2: American Attitudes Towards Jews in America (Anti-Defamation League, 2007) 4-5: 2007 Annual Survey of American Jewish Opinion (American Jewish Committee, 2007) 6: “Most say their vote has a price ,” (Washington Square News, 11/14/07) 7-9: Project on Student Debt







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