A Year in Retrospect: ‘The Gospel According To Chaim’ Makes Yiddish Theater History
The Nights Before Christmas It was two hours before the Off-Broadway opening of The Gospel According to Chaim, and there was sheiml on the bread: that’s Yiddish for mold. Melissa Weisz, one of three actors in the performance, needed the two slices of rye as part of a prop sandwich for a scene during…
My Brother, Father Christmas
“Remember when we accidentally got proselytized to at a Trans-Siberian Orchestra show? We thought it was gonna be a normal concert and then they started leading us in prayer,” Mom…
New Beginnings: Unfolding
This piece is featured in our New Beginnings series, exploring the emergent ideas, emotions, and social upheavals of a new era of progressive Jewish culture. We are writing for a…
They’re Good People, I Promise…
The names of certain individuals have been changed or altered to protect the identities of student New Voices stands with campus organizers and honors their right to privacy. I…
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Queer Jewish JoyQueer Jews Hillel Israel-PalestineJews of Color Independent Jewish Communities Anti-Semitism Zionism Anti-Zionism Civil Disobedience Immigrant Justice Disability Justice Grief Podcasting Mizrahi Ritual Talmud Diaspora Jews by Choice Interfaith Gender Food Kashrut Yiddish Sex Student Organizing #MeToo AnxietyShoahHalacha
This piece is featured in our New Beginnings series, exploring the emergent ideas, emotions, and social upheavals of a new era of progressive Jewish culture. We are writing for a brighter future, while honoring our past. More to come. The Burial Of The Dead How in times of scrutiny and creed We continue to solemnly…
The Penguin, starring Colin Ferrel, Cristin Millioti, and Rhenzy Feliz, released its first episode this week to much praise. A televised sequel/spinoff of Matt Reeves’ 2023 film, The Batman, it plans to show viewers Oswald Cobb’s rise to power in the criminal underworld following the death of Carmine Falcone, aka The Roman. The 8-episode series…
This weekend I had the pleasure of watching the recent film ‘Kneecap’ starring the titular Belfast-based rap trio, Kneecap. With their tracksuits and Beastie Boys-esque beats, one might have approached the film expecting a boyish romp through Belfast or perhaps a simple coming of age flick told through Irish language music. However Kneecap are anything…
Five years ago, after publishing my first big piece, I received an email. How dare you? You’ll be hearing from my lawyers. Or something along these lines. I’d written a basic coverage piece about a local high school party, where red solo cups had been arranged to look like swastikas in a game…
The role of the Jewish artist, as Sasha Jonah Lazer once wrote, is to make diaspora irresistible. Onward. I wouldn’t come to know entirely what this meant until my junior year of college when I enrolled in a Judeo-Spanish (Ladino) language course at Penn, my home institution. I had already grown my fervor for…
This essay is part of Gufim: Our Jewish Bodies, a 2024 series by New Voices writers that explores embodiment, physicality, and our relationships to our bodies through a Jewish lens. Gufim focuses on disability & chronic illness, eating disorders and body liberation, queer/trans experiences, race/racism, and more. Our writers explore these issues through writing, art,…
“Black Jews like myself can often have a double consciousness about how they may be seen in one space or another, and hold serious reservations about entering predominantly-White Jewish spaces.”
“I learned there is almost no chance that I or any of my peers would be able to create enough near-future change to prevent climate catastrophe. When I left my environmental education, I only had hopelessness.”