Latest on Rav Bina: Karate rabbi comes to aid of abuse rabbi [Parsing]

By David A.M. Wilensky February 9, 2012

Rabbi Ari Fuld wrote to Jewish student press hero Yedidya Gorsetman to say, among other things: ‘I truly believe you are an evil person’ for ‘trying to murder Rav Bina with your pen.’ He also compared Gorsetman to a dead fish and began his missive by saying, “I am not trying to threaten you in any way.” Which…


38 Years and Still Kickin’

By elizabethalpern May 4, 2009

Yesterday, students representing more than 15 campuses and eight Jewish campus publications gathered at the Kraft Center for Jewish Life to participate in the National Jewish Student Journalism Conference, now in its 38th year. According to the feedback we’ve gotten so far, the event was a smashing success, and we’ll have photos and audio from…