The Spirit of Courage

By akinman May 11, 2011

In exactly one year, I will graduate the Univeristy of Florida. Thrown out into the “real world,” expected to quickly find a job, rise from entry level to CEO in only a matter of years and start a new chapter of my life. But parting with college also means parting from Jewish college life. The…


Gainesville’s Jewish Film Fest – This Just In!

By akinman February 23, 2011

“The Hebrew Hammer,” “Schindler’s List,” “Fiddler on the Roof…” these are just a few of the films that bring out the Jew-ish side of cinema. Now, Gainesville, FL will be glorifying other great works. From foreign to indie, documentary to feature length film, Gainesville’s highly anticipated – first ever – Jewish Film Festival has just…