A Meme for All New-Report-About-Israel Occasions

By David A.M. Wilensky February 5, 2013

By way of following up on yesterday’s post on a new report about Israeli and Palestinian textbooks: (via quickmeme)


Unsurprising Study of Palestinian Textbooks, Less Surprising Reactions

By David A.M. Wilensky February 4, 2013

The first ever scientific study of whether Palestinian textbooks actually vilify Israelis as badly as a long-standing pro-Israel narrative claims they do — and vice versa — has poked a big hole in both sides’ version of the argument. In case you were worried anyone might react unpredictably to this news: Palestinian Authority Prime Minister…


The Reading List: Pigskin, but No Pigs

By Ben Sales October 20, 2010

Every Jewish high school that I’ve heard of has a basketball team, but only a few have football teams. Friday night lights? Think again. [JTA] Here’s a novel approach to fighting illegal prostitution: what would happen if the women were sold in a storefront? A mall in Tel Aviv tries it out. [JPost] As Israel…