Reflections on National Novel Writing Month

By Hannah Rozenblat October 13, 2016

There’s a good reason Jews are referred to as the “people of the word.” Our focus on texts is a long-standing tradition that encourages respect, even reverence, for the written word. Words are meaningful, powerful. They can create entire worlds. I highly appreciated this concept even as a child when I used to create fictional…


Dance Dance Resurrection

By Derek M. Kwait February 4, 2015

I’m a member of that niche demographic who is really excited by the idea of a dance performance inspired by Jewish text study, and luckily for me, this is essentially the premise behind Sydney Schiff Dance Project’s signature work Dry Bones: Resurrection of the Living. Sydney Schiff graduated from Princeton University in 2010 with a…


Remembering Korach, or On The Danger of Open Hillel

By Evan Goldstein December 17, 2014

Eric Fingerhut, you take too much upon yourself. The CEO of Hillel International could not resist taking a swipe at the ever-growing Open Hillel movement in his speech to the Hillel General Assembly, comparing us to Korach and his band of rebels. Korach, and by implication, Open Hillel, initiated a dispute that was not for…


Heresy! (?)

By Amram Altzman April 7, 2014

Heresy warning: I’m not sure I believe in God. Or, at the very least, if I believe in God, I do not believe in God as He Who Dwells on a Throne and Smites You When You Sin, as I was taught as a child. When I pray, I do so not necessarily out of…


Toward a Queerer, Jewier Tomorrow

By Amram Altzman March 31, 2014

When I was in high school, I had this fantasy where I told myself that I would come out of the closet as soon as I got that one text from a friend asking if they could tell me something, and then they would tell me that they are gay. That fantasy was never realized….


Texts and the Subjectivity of Language

By bbarer November 18, 2010

Being constantly surrounded by texts, and basing the vast majority of my education this term at Pardes on those texts, has made me think a lot about issues of how we understand texts. Specifically, I have reflected on just how much is lost from a traditional Jewish text (Chumash, Talmud, etc.) when it is read…


Masa Israel Opening Event

By bbarer October 28, 2010

I was invited to live-blog the event in addition to offering some thoughts afterwards, and while it was tempting for someone of my generation to withdraw from the experience that I was a part of and dispassionately describe it for those who could not be there, I felt like it was a really great opportunity…


The Reading List: Israeli actors go political

By Ben Sales August 31, 2010

American news outlets often report on the political mouthings-off of actors, from Tim Robbins’s liberal activism to Will.I.Am’s awesome Obama video. Israeli actors–one Arab and one Jewish–are also taking a political stand now, but they’re putting their money where their mouth is and boycotting a theater opening up in the Israeli settlement block of Ariel. The first…