Growing Up an American Jew – 2 Poems

By Sophie Katzman April 18, 2014

2 Poems  by Sophie Katzman:   Descendant’s Blessing Zadie. Zionist. Yellow stars. Young and old yearning for years passed. Yahrzeit. Yiddush: lyb, sholem. War. Woody Allen. Leaving notes on the Western Wall. The V’ahavta. U-blessed by the Orthodox Union. Torah. Tzedakah. Tikkun Olam, we repair the world. Shabbat. Sternberg Sewing. Samuel’s Metal Shop. Schlep. Shylock….


Should I Care About Israel Just Because Non-Jews Think I Must?

By Dani Plung March 12, 2014

I am proud of being Jewish, and the people I live with know this.  Though it’s not Halachally required, my dorm room’s door frame sports a mezuzah (which is kosher, according to—I checked!). Friends from my residence hall know that I don’t make plans on Friday nights, because I go to Hillel for services. …