Rabbi Hillel, the Tube, and Reading the Comments – A Jew in the Motherland

By Jonathan Katz January 21, 2015

I usually read, but do not respond to, the comment threads on my articles for this publication and others. Why, then, do I read them, despite my editor’s adamant suggestions not to? To a certain extent, I have a perverse pride in rankling ideologues of all stripes (and for those of you critical of my…


Let’s Open Our Judaism: Closing Speech From the Open Hillel Conference

By Amelia Dornbush October 21, 2014

  Folks at Hillel International seem worried about the future of Judaism. They seemed worried about it long before Open Hillel existed. There have been many prescriptions doled out to address this perceived problem of our generation’s apathetic and disaffected nature. Send the kids on a free trip to Israel, that’ll solve it. Make sure…


Promises are Like Fast Food – The More You Commit to, the More Regrets You’ll Have

By David G. July 18, 2014

The typical translation for the Hebrew name of the Book of Numbers, Bamidbar, is not “Numbers,” but “In the Wilderness.” While this translation is most definitely accurate, I have discovered that there is actually a different meaning to this name. The root of the word “speak”, d’var, is actually hidden in the name of this…


Holy Moldy

By David G. April 4, 2014

Last week, the Torah introduced us to the plague of tzarat, a skin disease commonly believed to be punishment for the sin of speaking ill of someone. After introducing it, the Torah continues its discussion of tzarat and its cure in this week’s portion, Parashat Metzora. After discussing the sacrifices necessary, and the process of…


Women of the Words: Finding my Voice as an Orthodox Feminist

By Talia Weisberg December 18, 2013

When I walked into the 2010 Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA) conference, I was 14, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and a newcomer to the feminist movement. Although I am now 18, slightly jaded, and been an active feminist for a few years, I was still extremely excited to attend the 2013 JOFA conference on December 8….


Let’s Queer the Jewish Legal Tradition

By Amram Altzman December 16, 2013

I had the honor of speaking at the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance’s Voices of Change conference last week, where I, only for a day, became a high school student once again and spoke on a panel about navigating relationships and sexuality in high school as a feminist. While speaking, the topic of Shemirut Negi’ah, or…


Snottiness Be Gone: Or, Walking the Tolerance Talk

By Jonathan Katz November 7, 2013

There is quite a lot of talk about denominational unity. “Let’s draw together as a Jewish community!” “Let’s build cross-denominational ties!” “Denominations are irrelevant and we live in a post-denominational era!” It is almost as if we, the eternally factional and rather divisive Jewish people have discovered a magic, unified, cohesive land beyond the rainbow,…


What Is He On About??

By bzalcman September 28, 2010

When my younger sister was a lot younger than she is today, she used to kvetch a lot, especially when she wouldn’t get her way. At first, since she was the youngest, we would try to appease her. That worked for a little bit, but then she’d get cranky after a while. So then we…