Consulting the List: Discreet Judaism and British Kashrut – A Jew in the Motherland

By Jonathan Katz September 29, 2014

In the US, those of us who keep kosher in any form (and yes, that means many things) are used to kashrut wars. Is Does said person keep to that seal? Is this food OK, or is it Star-K? Will a thousand demons eat me if I have a block of Triangle-K cheddar? In short,…


For Heaven’s Sake

By eweiss April 16, 2010

The Mishna teaches us that an argument for the sake of heaven will yield lasting results. Judaism is a religion of arguments: Hillel vs. Shammai, Rashi vs. Rabbenu Tam, Heschel vs. Kaplan. Yet the Mishna tells us that even if arguments become heated, we must remember that it is not personal. We argue not to win…