How Jewish Student Organizing Shaped My Family’s Story

By Leora Eisenberg October 18, 2018

My parents are too young to be historical artifacts. But they’ve seen and lived through a lot. My mother came to America in 1993 under the Jackson-Vanik amendment, a provision that put pressure on the Soviet Union to allow freedom of emigration to Jews and other groups trying to flee. My father, born in Los…


Personalizing the Ramifications of the Israeli Rabbinate

By Amram Altzman January 13, 2014

It’s old news that the Israeli rabbinate rejects those who are not Orthodox, especially in regards to immigration or marriage. What was recently revealed, however, was exactly how this process of rejection or acceptance happens, in light of the Israeli Rabbinate’s recently calling Rabbi Avi Weiss’ status as an Orthodox rabbi into question. This was…


Open Hillel for an Open Hillel

By Gabriel T. Erbs October 23, 2013

The Midwest does not get enough credit for its foundational role in the American Jewish community. However, the first campus Hillel was established in 1923 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In an atmosphere where Jewish campus life was largely non-existent, the first Hillel marked a new age for American Jewish students who endured…


Listening Post

By bspringer December 6, 2010

I thought I would take a moment to engage in some shameless self-promotion. If you read my article posted last week, you’ll know that I am researching a group called Boulder Action for Soviet Jewry. As Soviet Union was unraveling, this group advocated for the rights of Soviet Jews to emigrate and worked tirelessly to…