10 Ways Jewish Students Can Join The Resistance

By Benjamin Gladstone and Misha Vilenchuk August 23, 2017

Originally published in The Forward. Watching the events of these past weeks unfold, we were confronted with a feeling of desperation. Nazis rioted in Charlottesville, Virginia, chanting anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, and anti-Black slogans, threatening a synagogue. The president of the United States sided with racism and violence, drawing praise from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacists. The New England Holocaust Memorial, a landmark…


To the Alt-Right – From the Grandson of Holocaust Survivors

By Jackson Richman August 17, 2017

Originally published at Red Alert Politics.  At the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference, I passed by prominent white supremacist Richard Spencer, who beforehand said, “Effectively, any policy, idea, or belief that is markedly right-wing and traditional — that evokes identity, power, hierarchy, and dominance — must be regulated by the possibility that it could potentially lead…


On French Anti-Semitism and Conflicting Identities

By Ari Bloom April 8, 2015

My first experience with anti-Semitism was at 6 years old. Someone painted a swastika on the front gate of my school and I remember asking my dad why it upset him so much. I had a limited understanding of Nazism at that age, but I knew enough to understand when he told me simply that…


The Reading List: Did Bibi get it right?

By Ben Sales September 28, 2010

While the newborn direct talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority are on the line, even if the talks fail, the emergent politivcal winner may be none other than… Bibi Netanyahu. Keep in mind, however, that this would still mean that the talks had failed, which would suck. [Tablet] Even worse news for the far…