On Why I Take Yiddish

By Dani Plung November 27, 2013

Several weeks ago, I attended a screening of the classic 1937 Yiddish language film, The Dybbuk, open to the University of Chicago community.  For me, the appeal was in the Yiddish language; the film was a natural compliment to my Yiddish 101 class, and, in fact, my professor highly encouraged my class to attend.  There…


Finding Permanence in a Sukkah

By Dani Plung October 31, 2013

[fblike style=”standard” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial”] You’d think after forty years of wandering and two thousand subsequent years of diaspora, the Jewish People would be used to spatial transitions.  I mean, we seem to pass everything else L’dor v’dor, from generation to generation, so why not the nomadic nature? Don’t we even take a full eight…


Is That a Lulav in Your Pocket…?

By John Propper October 3, 2012

Welcome back! Here’s hoping your Yom Kippur was meaningful, your fast easy, and your shofar loud. Over the next few days, Jews around the world will observe Sukkot, an agricultural festival. Many of us will construct a sukkah or booth structure, where we will eat, pray, sleep and yes, (some of us) even shtup. Though it…