Why Small Campus Jewish Communities Are the Best

By Miranda Cooper March 17, 2015

When applying to colleges, I gave barely any thought to Jewish life on campus. This was not because I didn’t care about being engaged with a Jewish community; on the contrary, between leading my Temple Youth Group, attending regional NFTY events, working as a teaching assistant at a religious school, and moving up the ranks at…


Orthodox abuse exemptions; liberal zionism; spiritual misconceptions; and more. [Required Reading]

By John Propper April 25, 2012

Tradition, innovation, and Jewish Renewal [Zeek] This interview with author and scholar Chava Weissler explores Weissler’s latest book on ancient Jewish women’s prayers. Weissler also talks about her study of Jewish Renewal and the creation of Havurot (and the differences between the two approaches to Judaism),  her relationship to Israel through the years, and more: “Yes!…