Oy with the Jewish stereotypes already; Palestinian prisoner hunger strike; Free the press, and more [Required Reading]

By pkessler April 17, 2012

Stereotypes, Oy [Huffington Post] Howard Meyer laments the longevity of unflattering Jewish stereotypes, claiming they are representative of the prejudices of a few discontents years ago and have little relevancy in today’s Jewish communities. He cites examples from the Seinfeld episode “The Yada Yada”, above, in which Jerry’s dentist converts to Judaism “for the jokes”,…


Drawing in Gemara class: fighting the impulse [Humor]

By awasserman February 22, 2012

I have a confession to make: My name is Arielle Wasserman and I am a doodler. It’s shameful, I know. It started young; you can go and look through my grade one notebooks- all meticulously filed away by my uber-organized mother- and see the proof in the pudding. The once pristine sheets are rendered unrecognizable,…


The perils of sarcasm

By mmoncaster October 11, 2010

Sarcasm comes naturally to me. In fact, as a Jew, I feel that sarcasm is ingrained in every single fiber of my body. For years, the Jewish people have used their wit to break the ice, diffuse tension, and in Elena Kagan’s case, get confirmed by the Senate. However, when I first arrived in Canada…


A Hairy Situation

By mmoncaster September 14, 2010

What do a fictional British agent and Jewish men have in common? Two words: androgenic hair. For non-science majors, and those who never searched “body hair” on Wikipedia, androgenic hair is a fancy word for the hair that develops during and after puberty. If, after the preceding lines, you are scared to read on, rest…