The Holy Potential of Bling

By David G. January 3, 2014

  If you’ve been following the story so far, God, through Moses, has been sending plague after plague upon the Egyptians, steadily bringing the greatest empire on Earth to its knees all for the sake of a small nation of slaves. This week, in Parashat Bo,  the story is coming toward its great climax, with…


PHY: Gifts For Those Who Shit Gold

By Simi Lichtman December 13, 2012

This article is the sixth in the series “Procrastination HaYom”– a week-long series of funny videos, websites, articles, and pictures that will do nothing to help you get that A, but everything to help keep you sane during finals time.   It’s Chanukah, that wonderfully spiritual season of freaking out about what to get everyone who…