The Internet Of Queer Jewish Girlhood

By Alexa Hulse April 12, 2022

Digital spaces like jGirls+ act vital online communities for an under-researched group of Jewish youth, seeking precious few places to negotiate gender, sexuality, and religion.


In Search of True Egalitarianism

By Amram Altzman January 27, 2014

  Growing up in the early 2000’s means I watched copious amounts of Arthur, Cyberchase, Pokémon, and Yu-Gi-Oh!; I knew the dance to “Soulja Boy,” played on my Gameboy obsessively, and ate Go-gurts (or the kosher equivalents thereof) on the school bus ride home. Growing up in the 2000’s also meant that I saw men…


Snottiness Be Gone: Or, Walking the Tolerance Talk

By Jonathan Katz November 7, 2013

There is quite a lot of talk about denominational unity. “Let’s draw together as a Jewish community!” “Let’s build cross-denominational ties!” “Denominations are irrelevant and we live in a post-denominational era!” It is almost as if we, the eternally factional and rather divisive Jewish people have discovered a magic, unified, cohesive land beyond the rainbow,…


Lena Dunham Charms My Pants Off, Keeps Hers On

By Simi Lichtman February 28, 2013

Lena Dunham was nothing like I expected her to be in real life, and everything I hoped she would be.  I attended the Jewish Museum’s Purim Ball last night, held in the Park Avenue Armory, where, surrounded by hundreds of rich white people, I felt completely out of my element. I was there to see…


The Future, As Said By Some Girls and Bridesmaids

By H. B. Rubin February 12, 2013

As I look out my window, all I can see is graduation approaching. And maybe the off-white dregs of the gargantuam blizzard that hit on Friday. And yes, my street remains unplowed. But I digress. Graduation. Leaving this student house, these student classes, this student food behind and finally becoming… a 20-something. Though I have been twenty for almost…


Lena Dunham Gets More Awesome

By Simi Lichtman February 5, 2013

Oh, Lena Dunham. Every awkward girl out there now has a role model to pin her hopes and dreams on; every female writer can hold her up and say, “Look, she can do it. Maybe I can too.” It’s a nice fantasy. Because not only does she have a wildly successful, award-winning television show (based…


Masorti Jews to ordain gays, lesbians; Reconstructionists lose leader in Israel; and more. (Required Reading)

By John Propper April 20, 2012

Prominent Reconstructionist rabbi passes away (z”l) (Reconstructionist Rabbinical College) The Reconstructionist movement has announced that Rabbi Jack Cohen, an influential leader within the movement, has passed away at the age of 93. Cohen (z”l) was close to Reconstructionist figurehead Mordecai Kaplan. “He held various positions with the Foundation and with the Society for the Advancement…