Study links Jewish and Native American genes

By Carly Silver June 20, 2012

Where can you find the Jews? Thanks to the Diaspora, pretty much everywhere – and, according to recent genetic testing, there might be members of the Tribe in places we had never imagined. A new study of Colorado Native Americans has found that many of these individuals have the so-called “Ashkenazi mutation,” described as “deleterious…


Common Cultures

By Carly Silver May 27, 2011

As Jews, we may see our closest genetic relatives in other Semites, often the citizens of the Arab nations surrounding Israel, or in our Jewish cousins scattered across the world. By tracing genetic ancestry of sub-Saharan African peoples, Harvard researchers have determined that Jews are actually more closely linked to the rest of the world…


Images from the Past

By Carly Silver August 19, 2010

I’ve spent this summer interning at two very different locations. The first is the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, where, among other duties, I compiled a dense history of my father’s family. My other job is at Archaeology Magazine, writing articles for their website. To my surprise, as I dug deeper (pardon the archaeological…


Circle Up

By Carly Silver June 16, 2010

This summer, I’ve been lucky in my work: my interest in ancient history has led me to work at Archaeology Magazine and my love of family history resulted in an internship with the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Enter my Jewish heritage. One of the projects NYG&BS interns work on in the summer is…