Reanalyzing That Damn Survey Again…Again

By Amram Altzman May 18, 2015

  “American [Jew]s are fleeing organized religion.” This was the big takeaway from the Pew Report in 2013 (I feel a not insignificant embarrassment that we are still quoting it) and another report released last week on the state of American religion in general, both of which found that many Americans are affiliating less and…


Politically Ambiguous at San Francisco’s 19th Annual Arab Cultural Festival

By Catie Damon October 10, 2013

On one of the hottest days of the year in San Francisco, a whirlpool of polyester hijabs, Gucci sunglasses, and strollers surround the Dewey monument pillar in Union Square. A stage in the shade of Saks Fifth Avenue is draped with a vermilion banner reading, “19th Annual Arab Cultural Festival.” Every October since 1995, the…


Becoming a tourist [MASA]

By awasserman April 4, 2012

I have become a tourist. I don’t really know when this transformation happened. There I was, going about my business being a typical seminary girl, mentally deriding the people who wandered around the city wearing baseball hats and dragged along overtired, over-stimulated children who would honestly rather hear a bedtime story than yet another tour…


A Taste of Home

By astrick February 19, 2010

The non-stop supply of Falafel, Israeli Salad (Tomato and Cucumber), Cabbage Salad (affectionately dubbed: the purple stuff), Hummus, Tuna Salad, Tehina, Tabouli, Salad, Salad, Salad is making me go crazy!! I needed a taste of home. Something hearty, italian, tomatoey and cheesy. I decided to make eggplant parmesan, but give it a little bit of…