Jewish Musical Dreams

By Dani Plung February 12, 2014

Every night, I fall asleep to a playlist titled “Jewish Sleep Music.”  Once upon a time, as a child, it consisted of mainly Kol B’seder’s covers of melodies that I’d learned in Hebrew School, like Shalom Rav and Oseh Shalom. At the time, before I really knew what their lyrics meant, the songs relaxed me because…


In the shadow of the “Soul Doctor”

By John Propper August 16, 2012

There’s something fundamentally Jewish about celebrating the lives of our great teachers. The challenge is in how we celebrate, whether with somber intention or with a sense of fun. JTA highlights an example of this debate in the musical “Soul Doctor,” which explores the life and times of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, known across movement lines as…


Labelship Down

By ckessler February 27, 2010

As another Friday night set in, I pondered whether to schlep out of my warm house into the snow flying sideways to make the long trek (a seven-minute bus ride) down to Hillel, and after I coordinated with some friends at the University of Pittsburgh–whom I hadn’t seen all week–I decided that the schlep was worth…