Bob Dylan & Trayvon Martin; Eilat Missile Strike; Hungarian Blood Libel dredged up, and more [Required Reading]

By pkessler April 5, 2012

Bob Dylan and Trayvon Martin [Forward] Protestors outraged at the shooting of fourteen year old Trayvon Martin have utilized an old Bob Dylan song  to create the above video decrying the killing. However, JJ Goldberg argues, their anger is misdirected, and should be aimed at the system rather than a single individual: “Trayvon Martin’s death,…


Blood Libel for the 21st Century?

By hdilman June 5, 2011

For awhile now I have been following in the news a group called the “intactivists” who are attempting to ban circumcision in San Francisco.  The group claims that no one, but the owner of the penis has a right to cut it off.  Man was born perfect, they argue, and no one has the right…