Animal House(s) lose University recognition, Murdoch ‘unfit’ to lead NewsCorp, Fighting Technological Illiteracy, and more [Required Reading]

By pkessler May 1, 2012

Bye Bye AEPi [JewSchool] The Gamma chapter of international Jewish fraternity AEPi is being shut down, amidst reports of repeated hazing. The chapter, located at the University of Pennsylvania, is not the only chapter of AEPi whose bad behavior has been making ripples lately. The virtues of the fraternity with the highest national GPA are…


Loyal to the Game: Israel and the Oath

By bspringer October 14, 2010

“I swear to respect the laws of the United States as a white and democratic state.” Or, how about: “I swear to respect the laws of the United States as a Christian and democratic state.” Maybe this one? “I swear to respect the laws of the United States as a male and democratic state.” Or…


The Debate on the Jewish state

By hdilman September 30, 2010

There has been a lot of ruckus lately in the Israeli media about the idea of Jewish state. Well, not the idea of a Jewish state per se, but the debate over whether the PLO, specifically Abas, must recognize that in a two state solution, one state is comprised of a Jewish nation. Netanyahu said…


The Exploitative Power of Fear Or: How Bibi Defiled Yom Hashoah

By smelamed April 12, 2010

In South Africa, there’s a conspiracy theory that has spread among the white population since the fall of Apartheid. It goes by many names: Uhuru, Operation Vula, Operation White Clean-up, and – in a nod to Nazi Germany – Night of the Long Knives (in Afrikaans, Die Nag van die Lang Messe).  What it says…