Letter from Malmö

By Doreen El-Roeiy July 22, 2015

On June 9 in Malmö, Sweden, 27 residents of the Rosengård neighborhood, infamous in Europe as a segregated ghetto of recent refugees, were arrested on charges of attempted murder as gunfire was heard through the city streets. Three days later, on June 12, two men were injured in a bomb explosion near the Skåne University…


Shots Shots Shots Shots… Everybody!

By H. B. Rubin October 16, 2012

Who could have predicted that LMFAO’s 2009 Top Forty Hit would actually later double as the soundtrack for our 2012 presidential debate season? Such keen cultural insight, such profound political understanding. Debate drinking games are all the rage right now. Facebook statuses and Twitter references are aflood. To give a brief historical overview of the…


The Student’s Choice: Vote and Win, or Don’t and Lose

By Joshua Lapidus September 24, 2012

Fact: The Democrats’ chances of winning in November if the youth – 18-29-year-olds – don’t turn out in droves are significantly diminished. The question on everyone’s minds until Clinton’s speech the Wednesday of the convention – Who is going to motivate the whippersnappers? Can anyone motivate us? President Obama certainly hasn’t been able to so…


$50,000 a Plate? Romney’s Israel Fundraiser Too Steep for Me

By Joshua Lapidus July 29, 2012

Mitt Romney, presumptive Republican nominee for President, is in Israel now to hold high-level meetings with his “friend,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and to host a fundraiser for high-rollers. I thought about going myself, but $50,000 a plate was a tad too steep for my taste. (Of course, I could also get a few…


#NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement [Discourse]

By pkessler May 16, 2012

Jewish tradition dictates the necessity of paying attention to language. More specifically, it admonishes those who use Lashon Hora, the evil language, in attacking their fellow man.  This may include libel, slander, and myriad other offenses that fall under the category of malicious falsehood. I understand that politicians toe this line more often than most;…


Frank v. Kristol: Two smart Jews debate the election

By Gabriel T. Erbs May 7, 2012

Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol said this is not the first time he’s been invited to defended GOP positions in front of Jewish audiences. “Not a pretty sight,” he said. It made sense that, as Kristol debated Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) in front of the 2012 American Jewish Committee’s Global Forum crowd, his positions on…


Have a Super (Jewish) Tuesday [AIPAC 2012]

By Zach C. Cohen March 7, 2012

Rick Santorum: President Barack Obama’s policies on Iran are  “another appeasement, another delay, another opportunity for them to go forward while we talk.” Mitt Romney: “As president, I’ll be ready to engage in diplomacy. But I will be just as ready to engage our military might.” Newt Gingrich: “The red line is now.” Somebody was catering to…


Obama at AIPAC: “I Have Israel’s Back” [AIPAC 2012]

By Zach C. Cohen March 5, 2012

President Barack Obama continued to lobby for Jewish support as the November 2012 elections loom near, saying he has been a strong advocate for Israel. Obama cited his administration’s advocacy on behalf of Israel at the United Nations, during the flotilla incident, against BDS and during the Arab Spring. But Obama also warned against “loose…


Obama Tells D’Var Torah, Defends Israel Record [URJ Biennial, day 3]

By Zach C. Cohen December 18, 2011

Seeing the president of the United States give a Torah sermon was quite the treat for this Jewish journalist’s 20th birthday. It’s an unusual sight to say the least. President Barack Obama knew exactly what to say when he addressed the Union for Reform Judaism Biennial on Friday. After all, there’s a resident expert on…


J Street U: Jerusalem and Gaza: What Could and Should Happen

By admin May 7, 2010

by Moriel Rothman, Middlebury College George Mitchell is now traveling from Ramallah to Jerusalem as the “proximity talks” resume and President Obama, riding his health care reform wave, seems to be putting a significant amount of weight behind these efforts to get the peace process moving again. The situation remains fragile but there is a…