Undoing the Non-Orthodox Inferiority Complex

By Amram Altzman February 9, 2015

When I was in high school, I stopped wearing my kippah. I felt myself drifting away from the ultra-Orthodox community of my childhood and the Modern Orthodoxy my parents tried to model for me at home. I stopped wearing my kippah because I wanted to disaffiliate from the Orthodox Jews that filled New York City…


Baruch Dayan ha-Emet: A D’var Torah For a Shabbat Seeking Shalom

By Evan Goldstein January 9, 2015

As I write this Friday night, several things are true. A prolonged manhunt continues in France, pursuing suspects involved with an attack on a kosher supermarket. The Grand Synagogue of Paris is closed on Shabbat for the first time since World War II, a harrowing start to 2015 following a year of resurgent, ugly anti-Semitism….


Bringing Holocaust Denial to Campus: Interview With ‘Hoaxocaust!’ Star Barry Levey

By Derek M. Kwait September 23, 2014

Yesterday, I reviewed Hoaxocaust!, a new play performed and written by Barry Levey that satirizes Holocaust denial simply by putting the arguments of some of its biggest proponents, Arthur Butz, David Irving, Robert Faurisson, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in context. I saw the show the night of September 11 (coincidentally), then on September 12, I caught…


The Bar Mitzvah Gift that Keeps on Giving

By Eric Steitz April 9, 2014

A mother wakes up and prepares for the day. The routine sounds normal: get the children ready for the day, cook, clean and provide for the family. But, what if it took six hours just to get water? This problem is real for Sub-Saharan African communities. It takes the majority of the day just to…


In Search of True Egalitarianism

By Amram Altzman January 27, 2014

  Growing up in the early 2000’s means I watched copious amounts of Arthur, Cyberchase, Pokémon, and Yu-Gi-Oh!; I knew the dance to “Soulja Boy,” played on my Gameboy obsessively, and ate Go-gurts (or the kosher equivalents thereof) on the school bus ride home. Growing up in the 2000’s also meant that I saw men…


New Years 2013 Was a Lifetime Ago

By Dani Plung January 8, 2014

Well, by the Gregorian calendar, we have officially lived in the year 2014 for a week. For one thing, this means I will spend about three more weeks dating assignments “2013,” only to see autocorrect bluntly demonstrate the error of my ways.  For another, this means that both the Jewish and secular seasonal winter holidays…


Finding Permanence in a Sukkah

By Dani Plung October 31, 2013

[fblike style=”standard” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial”] You’d think after forty years of wandering and two thousand subsequent years of diaspora, the Jewish People would be used to spatial transitions.  I mean, we seem to pass everything else L’dor v’dor, from generation to generation, so why not the nomadic nature? Don’t we even take a full eight…


Teach Modern Hebrew

By Noah Westreich October 17, 2013

Jewish education in American synagogues is often compartmentalized into a curriculum: an hour of Judaic Studies and an hour of Hebrew, twice weekly. Judaic studies includes watered-down lessons on holidays and Torah stories. Mastery of the alef-bet, the Hebrew alphabet, is often all students gain from the Hebrew class. By the Bat/Bar Mitzvah  age of…


Drake’s Bar Mitzvah stirs controversy; Forget camp, Tikkun Olam; AEHazing, and more [Required Reading]

By pkessler April 12, 2012

Drake’s Bar Mitzvah [JTA] The rapper’s Jewish roots are well known. His new music video, featured above, allows viewers to see inside his ‘re-bar mitzvah’, held last fall. However, members of Temple Israel in Miami, the synagogue where the video was filmed, are less than pleased with its lyrical content. “And even though the song’s…


The Reading List: Helen Thomas in Playboy… Not What You Think

By Ben Sales March 21, 2011

The 90-year old journalist, made famous last year for telling Israeli Jews to go back to “Poland and Germany,” gets interviewed in Playboy. She keeps her clothes on, but it’s anti-Zionist porn. [Playboy] Purim is over, but below is the funniest Purim video I’ve yet seen, this time by a couple guys I know from Camp Ramah…


The Reading List: That hard, hard kosher salami

By Ben Sales October 14, 2010

This has been all over the internet during the past twelve or so hours, but here’s the priceless quote from Haredi Rabbi Yehuda Levin, who ended his support of New York Republican nut case/candidate for governor Carl Paladino after Paladino apologized for his homophobic remarks: “I was in the middle of eating a kosher pastrami…


The Reading List: 80’s music video parody hits Israel and more…

By Ben Sales August 13, 2010

Thought the barrage of flotilla-themed YouTube videos was over two months ago? Think again. The latest critique of Israel’s lackluster public relations operation comes in the form of “Internet Killed Israeli PR,” a parody of the catchy “Video Killed the Radio Stars” from our beloved 1980s, that focuses on the spin battle following the flotilla raid. We…


For Heaven’s Sake

By eweiss April 16, 2010

The Mishna teaches us that an argument for the sake of heaven will yield lasting results. Judaism is a religion of arguments: Hillel vs. Shammai, Rashi vs. Rabbenu Tam, Heschel vs. Kaplan. Yet the Mishna tells us that even if arguments become heated, we must remember that it is not personal. We argue not to win…