Why I’m Tired of Hearing About Chickenshitgate (And Can We Please Not Make That a Thing?)

By Amram Altzman November 3, 2014

I’ll be the first in line to comment on the policies of the Israeli government, and the first in line to criticize those policies, be they negotiations or the stronghold that the religious right holds on social policies in Israel. I’ve openly stated that I believe that the Netanyahu government’s policies are working against the…


Collapsing Towers: Liveblogging my Quarrel with Haaretz

By Derek M. Kwait October 30, 2014

Though I don’t agree with them on everything (no one should agree with anything on everything), I ordinarily like Haaretz. I also normally find writing in to complain a bit gauche. Whether it’s about food, internet service, or editorial positions, I usually either don’t think it’s worth the bother (“My internet’s being slow? Good, I…


Bringing Holocaust Denial to Campus: Interview With ‘Hoaxocaust!’ Star Barry Levey

By Derek M. Kwait September 23, 2014

Yesterday, I reviewed Hoaxocaust!, a new play performed and written by Barry Levey that satirizes Holocaust denial simply by putting the arguments of some of its biggest proponents, Arthur Butz, David Irving, Robert Faurisson, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in context. I saw the show the night of September 11 (coincidentally), then on September 12, I caught…


Holocaust or ‘Hoaxocaust!’?

By Derek M. Kwait September 22, 2014

It’s 9/11 in New York and I’m commemorating by seeing a Holocaust comedy. Though Barry Levey originally wrote Hoaxocaust! written and performed by Barry Levey with the generous assistance of the Institute for Political and International Studies, Tehran for the New York Fringe Festival, I became aware of it during its second run at the…


What Happened to the Arab Peace Proposal?

By Maddie Ulanow August 13, 2014

By the early 2000’s, the false promises of the Oslo Accords were becoming clear. The peace process was crumbling, and by 2001 the Second Intifada was in full swing. The situation was not all that different from what we are looking at right now: prospects for peace seemed low, and the odds of a peacefully…


From Costa Rica to Israel

By Zach C. Cohen January 23, 2014

San José is an ugly city. The streets are lined with storefronts due for a paint job. Trash and dog droppings line the sidewalks. Every afternoon, like clockwork, the tropical weather brings in a rainstorm that puts most Sunday showers stateside to shame. At night, drug dealers and (legal) prostitutes roam the streets. In this…


Shortsighted Syria Policy Stems From Shortsighted View of History

By Eliana Glogauer September 24, 2013

Former President George W. Bush once referred to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 as “[the] most devastating attack[s America has experienced] since Pearl Harbor.”  Last week was the twelfth anniversary of 9/11, and by interesting coincidence, that day also saw a United States governmental official’s confirmation to CNN that weapons funded and organized by the…


9/11: Past, Future and Today

By Simi Lichtman September 11, 2012

It’s been 11 years since the day that shook America to the core, with aftershocks felt by every country around the world. In these 11 years, our country has changed: It’s grown harder and more cautious, but at the same time stronger and more understanding. We’ve gone to war, and worked to end the wars….


How can you sing when my children are drowning?

By Harpo Jaeger September 13, 2010

My rabbi made a bold move during his d’var Torah on the first day of Rosh Hashanah services this year.  After a brief word on Park 51 earlier in the service, in which he condemned the bigoted opposition in the strongest terms I could have imagined, I wasn’t expecting too much more fire and brimstone, especially on…