Two Egal Jews Talk About Gender and Ritual

By Amram Altzman November 17, 2014

Both Avigayil and I (Amram Altzman) have written extensively about the ways in which we have taken on Jewish rituals which, traditionally, fall outside of our traditional gender identities. This is a conversation we’ve been having, more specifically, about what it means to take on Jewish rituals and how that relates to our Jewish identities…


White, Straight, Male, and Born this Way: An Intro to New Voices #GenderWeek 2014

By Derek M. Kwait November 17, 2014

When I was very young, I was jealous of the way my sister and her friends played together. Other boys were always so aggressive, so into breaking stuff, but girls just played nice. What they were playing–Barbies, house, Mall Madness–I thought was stupid, but I was frustrated that I couldn’t find another boy who wanted…