9/11: Past, Future and Today

It’s been 11 years since the day that shook America to the core, with aftershocks felt by every country around the world. In these 11 years, our country has changed: It’s grown harder and more cautious, but at the same time stronger and more understanding. We’ve gone to war, and worked to end the wars. And last year, the 10th anniversary, marked a decade of reflection and insight. The president spoke at Ground Zero. Osama bin Ladin was dead. This year, 11 years later, marks for the perhaps the first year of a country ready to move forward.

One World Trade Center, commonly known as the Freedom Tower, is nearing its completion, nearly seven years after its foundations were laid. This building marks a country’s refusal to be cowed by terrorism, and positive declaration that this country can only grow stronger through adversity.

But of course, as the Jewish people know intimately, no progress can be made without proper commemoration. So New Voices would like to present, once again, those memories of 9/11 that last year’s college students shared in the name of remembering. Please read these reflections here.

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