Dressing to impress in a world you don’t belong to

By pkessler February 7, 2012

The first time I was ever told the way I was dressed was inappropriate I was wearing a short sleeve t-shirt and a skirt that covered my knees. Having been raised Modern Orthodox in a Jewish day school, I thought that as far as the guidelines of modesty went I was pretty well covered. However,…


Rabbis respond to price tag graffiti attacks; State Department issues new guidelines for tourists in Israel; Kosher Valentine’s Day; and more. [Required Reading]

By pkessler February 7, 2012

After a series of hateful “price tag” graffiti attacks in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Rabbis for Human Rights are planting trees in the village of Al Jenia, near Ramallah, in honor of Tu B’Shevat. [+972] Jason Diamond notes Fashion Week’s revival of classic ‘Ivy League’ style, and reveals the all-American preppy look’s Jewish roots….