Just in: Men at Kotel Not World’s Only Jews

By Laura Cooper August 11, 2011

Did you ever notice that any time a T.V. show or magazine article or, well, anything really, wants to show something Jewish, they inevitably show either a boy holding a Torah or Hareidi men at the Kotel? Inevitably. This is true across the board, even for seemingly impartial sources such as National Geographic. During their…


‘They don’t hate Israel or love Israel. They just don’t know.’

By Leigh Cuen August 11, 2011

When the opinion editor of Israel’s Maariv newspaper, Ben-Dror Yemini, visited the San Francisco Bay Area earlier this year, he gave a lecture tour stretching from the campus of Stanford University to the network of Bay Area JCCs. He talked about the things he knows: Israel, the media and multiculturalism.
“The main problem that I recognize here is ignorance,” Yemini said from across a coffee table in his hotel in downtown San Francisco. He wore a crisp black suit and round, wire-framed glasses. “They don’t hate Israel or love Israel. They just don’t know.”