The Feinstein Challenge: JFS Gets Ready for Pesach

By akinman March 30, 2011

Every Pesach, it’s the same routine. Wipe down our pantries, pull out the “special” dishes, and discard of all the delicious bread products that are practically a staple item in my life. But recently, I read an article from Heritage: Florida Jewish News that will make me think twice about what I do with my…


The Reading List: Birthright Alumni Fail

By Ben Sales March 30, 2011

Check out the above picture of a sweatshirt, put out by the Birthright Israel Alumni Community, an initiative of the Jewish Enrichment Center: not only did they spell “Israel” wrong, but the Victoria’s Secret panties that this sweatshirt refers to aren’t even made in Israel. In fact, they’re made by Palestinian laborers in Jordan. Good…


Land Day: For Arabs and Jews

By greback March 30, 2011

In Lod yesterday, Israeli Arabs and liberal Israelis demonstrated in commemoration of Land Day – an Israeli Arab and Palestinian day to protest the seizure of private Arab land by the Israeli state. But it has taken on more significance this year. That is not because of the protetss sweeping the Arab world, but regardingthis…