Reading List: The Jewish Skull & Bones, Facebook removes third intifada page and more…

How did this guy, Newark mayor Cory Booker, come to be a member of something that can be described as the Jewish Skull & Bones?
How did this guy, Newark mayor Cory Booker, come to be a member of something that can be described as the Jewish Skull & Bones?

Facebook removes page calling for third intifada… and a new page saying the same thing appears. [Haaretz]

If you haven’t read Jeffrey Goldberg’s defense of J Street in the face of the McCarthy Knesset investigation of the group, you should. And manages to critique them at the same time. [The Atlantic]

Time is all over–kind of–Eliezer, the Jewish equivalent of the mysterious Skull & Bones society–kind of. Also, I totally want in. [Time]

Because the good people of the calm Egyptian city of Cairo are obviously in a good position right now to be arbitrating other people’s political disputes, Hamas and Fatah plan to meet there to discuss unity. [Jerusalem Post]

New York City’s GLBTQetc synagogue, Beit Simchat Torah, is hosting its second annual conference on creating inclusive communities. Sounds cool. And there’s a special price for students. [Jewschool]

And if you’re not reading the New Voices Northwestern University Blog, you should be. Two great posts there this week, one about the culinary failures of kosher pizza in America and one featuring an interview with Israeli democracy activist Anat Hoffman. Hoffman chimes in with this gem of a line:

The word for ‘integrity’ is only a couple years old and ‘accountability’ has only been around for nine months. These are signs that the basic tenets of democracy and civil rights haven’t made Aliyah to Israel yet.

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