The Reading List: Helen Thomas in Playboy… Not What You Think

The 90-year old journalist, made famous last year for telling Israeli Jews to go back to “Poland and Germany,” gets interviewed in Playboy. She keeps her clothes on, but it’s anti-Zionist porn. [Playboy]

Purim is over, but below is the funniest Purim video I’ve yet seen, this time by a couple guys I know from Camp Ramah in Wisconsin.

And here are some Russian students celebrating Purim.

And here’s Zack!

Zeta Psi at UVA made pledges eat a meal consisting of dog food, matzo balls, gefilte fish and soy sauce. Bubbe would not be proud. [WaPo]

Rabbi Josh Feigelson, who advises our Northwestern blog, and Natalie Blitt have some wise words about the lack of female empowerment in the latest Maccabeats offering. [JW]

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