The perils of sarcasm

Sarcasm comes naturally to me. In fact, as a Jew, I feel that sarcasm is ingrained in every single fiber of my body. For years, the Jewish people have used their wit to break the ice, diffuse tension, and in Elena Kagan’s case, get confirmed by the Senate. However, when I first arrived in Canada for college, my sarcastic approach to social situations proved ineffective. I still remember one particular exchange that took place in the common room on a rainy day. Keep in mind this room had floor to ceiling windows, no blinds or curtains, and thus a clear view of the weather conditions outside.

Floor mate A: “What do you guys want to do?”

Me: “We should go outside, it’s gorgeous out.”

*confused looks on faces

Floor mate B: In a matter of fact, how-can-you-possibly-be-so-stupid tone of voice, “Look outside, it has been raining all day.”

Blame Canada for sarcasm repression
Blame Canada for sarcasm repression

I quickly learned that many Canadians are sarcasm-illiterate. Or, as a girl I work with put it, “We’re just nice and aren’t rude or condescending.” Oh right, because I am so rude and condescending. Why did these people not understand Jewish humor?! 30 Rock actually had a legitimate answer. However, my general feeling was that people fell in to three categories. The first caught on right away (my favorite). The second understood it, but just could not take being made fun of or mocked (understandable, I guess). The third simply did not catch on (in which case, watch more stand-up comedy).

Regardless, in order to navigate my initial foray in to the Canadian college scene, I had to suppress my sarcastic urges. This was achieved through deep breaths and tongue biting. Once I had met people a few times, I could slowly ease in to my beloved way of joking. Still, my poor family and friends pay the price when I go home for a visit. All that repressed sarcasm has to come out some time.

On a completely unrelated, yet no less important note, sarcasm is difficult to express via text message. If anyone has figured out a short hand symbol for sarcasm, please, please let me know. We need to find the “LOL” of sarcasm. I can’t tell you how many times I have beautifully constructed a witty, sarcastic text message, only to erase it and write something incredibly bland for fear of coming off as rude.

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