The perils of sarcasm

By mmoncaster October 11, 2010

Sarcasm comes naturally to me. In fact, as a Jew, I feel that sarcasm is ingrained in every single fiber of my body. For years, the Jewish people have used their wit to break the ice, diffuse tension, and in Elena Kagan’s case, get confirmed by the Senate. However, when I first arrived in Canada…


What does your DNA look like?

By ckessler October 11, 2010

Now, normally this would not be my ideal dinner-table conversation, as my DNA knowledge is limited to 9th grade biology (and that is light years in the past). But, with the Victor Center’s testing for Jewish Genetic Diseases coming up this Wednesday, this topic is certainly on my mind. I hate to plagiarize, and since…


The Reading List: Crazy, disappointing days in the Holy Land

By Ben Sales October 11, 2010

Every day it seems bleaker, and the true moderates in Israel’s society seem weaker. These nasty developments speak volumes. Consider: The Palestinians refuse to recognize Israel as a Jewish state in return for an extension of the settlement freeze, putting another nail in the peace coffin. [JJ] The Israeli cabinet approves a required loyalty oath…