Hello World

By jagross September 27, 2010

If you come to New Voices regularly, you know that they have been looking for contributors. That is where I come in. And since I will be writing for all of you in the coming months I thought it only fair that I introduce myself, what I plan to do and what I plan not…


Shalom Bayit: it isn’t always so

By lcmoore September 24, 2010

October, which we are currently on the cusp of, is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. You may see an increase in purple ribbons, articles related to the subject popping up online and in your local women’s center. Campus events sponsored by various groups at your own college may even talk about domestic violence. Battering by a…


What IS that thing?

By David A.M. Wilensky September 24, 2010

Here at Drew University, we’ve got a very nice sukah. It lives with Drew Facilities all year and they kindly put it up for us. It’s one of these canvas affairs that has little windows. Hung the windows are signs that say “SUKKAH” and have a little explanation. Despite this, I’m constantly asked about what…


Dear Hillel, We Need to Talk

By bspringer September 23, 2010

I have a confession to make. Deep breath. Last Saturday was my very first experience with Hillel at the University of Colorado at Boulder. And it was … disappointing. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Why, pray tell, did I wait until the fifth Yom Kippur of my undergraduate career to check out the main…


The Reading List: Sukkot Travel Fun!

By Ben Sales September 22, 2010

Part of the reason this Reading list is so late today is that I departed New York this morning for my hometown of Northbrook, IL–and I flew holding my lulav and etrog. Luch to my surprise, the traditional four species did not delay me at all in the security check, and no one commented on…


Jewish Spirituality Course–first reflection paper–identity and lifestyle

By David A.M. Wilensky September 22, 2010

As previously mentioned at my person blog, The Reform Shuckle, I’m taking a Jewish Spirituality course this semester. This post, crossposted to The Shuckle here, is actually just the first of four two-page reflection papers that I’ll do for this course over the course of the semester. There a few ideas in here that I…


Love in a Strange Land

By Rachel Trager September 22, 2010

When they go abroad, students often feel lost and confused in a new country. And some find romance with a local resident overseas to ease the culture shock. But does the new relationship add familiarity to the experience, or make it even more foreign?



By akinman September 22, 2010

Compiled of 304,805 letters, 42 lines on each page, and parchment sewn together, a Torah is born (Chabad). But what if that Torah could be created and shipped to you in a matter of minutes. Enter the Kindle. With four weeks into school, I’ve seen JanSport backpacks look lighter, and paperbacks become obsolete. Inevitably, Amazon’s…


The Succot “How-Not-To”

By bzalcman September 21, 2010

I found myself feeling immersed in the Holocaust this morning. That’s not as morbid as it sounds- let me explain. The program for which I work is sending a delegation of their students to Poland immediately after Succot. Being as we live in Israel and Israel is a Jewish state, the entire country has vacation…


Professional Jew

By jcohen September 21, 2010

“So, you’re Jewish?” I’m yanked out of my sleepy haze, completely unprepared for such a question. It’s two in the morning on my second night of college and I’m curled up on the couch chatting with my suite-mates. “I’m sorry, what?” I ask. “You’re Jewish, right?” “Yeah.” I say matter-of-factly. “Cool! So are you a…


The Reading List: No wonder Jews like Chinese food…

By Ben Sales September 21, 2010

Woody Allen on rabbis and post-kung pao desserts: “To me, there’s no real difference between a fortune teller or a fortune cookie and any of the organized religions.” [Forward Schmooze] Actually, given what our religion says about rape, maybe it is better to eat the cookie. (Scroll down to “Shabbat in BA”) [Married With Backpacks]…


A musical, AEPi style

By mmoncaster September 20, 2010

The AEPi fraternity house at the University of Washington is the scene for a new musical written and produced by Jewish college students from Seattle. Jacob Bloom and Leeran Raphaely, second year students at UW, came up with the idea and co-wrote the script. Their respective talents complement each other. Raphaely has been playing piano…


Yom Kippur in Amman, Jordan

By kseeger September 20, 2010

Atoning my sins in Amman, Jordan was certainly very different than my past Yom Kippurs. I did not buy a new outfit for services; I did not have plans for breaking the fast. Instead, I observed Yom Kippur without anyone else in my presence even knowing it. Jerusalem is roughly 45 miles away from Amman,…


The Reading List: An ass-backwards solution to Yom Kippur

By Ben Sales September 20, 2010

It’s a little late for all you coffee drinkers this year, but for next year’s Day of Atonement, check out this novel solution to the other problem of Yom Kippur: a maddening desire for caffeine. [Village Voice] And if your coffee comes from Venezuela, feel good. Hugo Chavez: “We respect and love the Jewish people. [Boston Globe]…