Reading List: Kosher pigskin, Shas rabbi tells Abbas to drop dead and more

Vox Tablet checks in with some Jewish football players as America gears up for a season of America’s real pastime. [Tablet]

More sports! The Jewish Journal’s sports blog lists the top ten most Jewish sports franchises.

What constitutes as a Jewish franchise? Really anything from a Jewish owner, history, players, announcers, food, or anything else that the team is associated with. [The Great Rabbino]

A letter to the editor at JTA is titled “Online shul is ridiculous idea.” Word. [Quibbles and Kibbitz]

Rabbi Obadia Yosef, that kooky guy, is at it again! This time he says that all Palestinians should perish from the Earth! [Forward]

Jewish Journal blogger Ilana Angel is dating through JDate exclusively for six months. And she finally met someone that doesn’t make her sick. Mazal tov. [Keepin the Faith]

Proof, finally, say some, that Judaism is revived in Germany! What is this proof, you ask? Someone ordained a couple of rabbis. So, maybe we’ll wait on that proof… [JTA]

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