Kicking ass and taking Twitter handles!

Crossposted to Jewschool

Riddle: What is neither a mosque nor located at Ground Zero, but is on Twitter?

Answer: Park 51!

(This can be confusing though. It’s called the Ground Zero Mosque by people using it as en election wedge issue and by those who buy into their rhetoric. The institution itself, once its built will be called Cordoba House. Park 51 refers to the projects future address and refers to the organization that is raising the funds for construction Cordoba House.)

After their twitter, @Park51, was mentioned in a big article, they’ve been doing quite a lot of back-and-forth with fairly hostile Twitter users. And they’re kicking ass. So here’s a roundup of some of my favorites.

annahandzlik: But Imam Rauf wants more Sharia compliance in the US. He has been open about that. Who are you? #whereisthesharia?

stoning in Iran (regularly), gays executed (Iran & Saudi Arabia), blasphemy law (Pakistan & Muslim world), genocide (Sudan). #mmmk

Park51: we can’t answer for all Muslims or other countries or practice of law overseas

annahandzlik: if u can’t speak for entire world, then what is your version of Sharia law? If we’re supposed to be compliant we need to see it.

Park51: Insults aside, I asked you for clarification on your blanket statements several times. Waiting………..


JordanSekulow (works for the American Center for Law and Justice, which is suing to stop the project): I encourage you to read the lawsuit, here’s the direct link (can’t make it any easier for you)

Park51: Oy vey, for the fifth time we read it. In 140 char and from you, why are you doing it?

Park51’s twitter has also been kindly informing people who @reply them, but won’t return Park51’s responses that “twitter is about conversations.” And on one occasion, they told one antagonist to get a real profile pic because they look like a bot without one.

DovBear has also been tweeting about Park 51 a lot today. Here’s his round up of the Twitter front. Here’s a little conversation he and I had:

DovBear: Curious. If you oppose mosque, how large should no-mosque buffer zone around ground 0 be? 10 blocks? Does prayer in conf room count?

davidAMwilensky: Further, when they rebuild the WTC, what if Muslims work there and do salat in the office?

DB: Obviously that will be against the rules

dAMw: Well that makes me feel better. Anything less would be dancing on the graves of brave Americans.

DB: What about Sikks. They look sort of Muslimy. to be on the safe side they shouldn’t be allowed to pray in Manhattan either

dAMw: I hear Sikhs are into swords. Sounds dangerous, if you ask me

DB: Sefardim look a little Muslimy 2 some even speak Arabic. I’m pretty sure we don’t want them praying near Ground zero either

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