Put Away That Passivity… please!

The way one perceives their pride for their religion really can vary. At a party last weekend, an anti-Semetic joke was told in a conversation next to that of my close friend, who relayed this to me. When this anti-Semitic joke was said one girl, who has an aggressive, outspoken personality replied, “Don’t say that, I’m half Jewish!”

This can be compared to the boy who said to his friend, “Hey, that doesn’t affect me, I’m only half Jewish!”

Then there is my friend, Hilary, who tapped the boy on the back and said, “Well I’m full Jewish, so watch what you say.”

One’s perception of looking at life as half full or half empty can be related to their pride. If one is optimistic, they will most likely have a lot of pride, for that is what leads them to be so optimistic. However, individuals with little pride would be pessimistic. This example of responses to an anti-Semitic comment showed the different outlooks.

One’s attitude can dramatically impact how they approach situations and interpret their experiences. It is usually easier for someone to be passive and to not represent who they are. This is because once you show your pride you must stand firmly behind it.
Standing up for Jewish pride is particularly hard, because there is so much attached to this. From your position on Israel to anti-Semitism in general, it is challenging for one to defend their position on being Jewish. However, I feel like it is important for Jews to know their stance on relevant issues to our people. Being prepared for these situations can make them all that much easier to be in. If you consider yourself Jewish, I think it is important that you know what that entails and what you believe. Knowing what it is you are labeling yourself with is really important for all aspects of life. It is worth it to have a stance on things and to have a reason for your actions.

Instead of taking the “easy” way out and either not responding or just being passive, why don’t you try to stand up for what you believe in, if that is the case. Additionally, you shouldn’t just be a follower and go along with what your friends believe. You should have a reason for whatever you are passionate about, and consider Ben Franklin’s quote, “If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.“

This expression seems to show up in situations where one could be vulnerable, such as my example. The girl who spoke up took a risk, knowing that she could be teased even more, whereas the boy took the passive look in order to avoid being teased further.

Next time this situation happens to you try being the proud and aggressive individual, rather than the weak and passive one.

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