Ode to the Egged Bus Driver

By bzalcman September 14, 2009

Let me start off by saying that I’m 22 years old and I’m scared to cross the street. I know this confession may strike some as the psychological aftermath of some tragic incident of my childhood. However, let me assure you it’s not. The reason is far simpler than that- Israelis are crazy drivers. There…


The Rabbi in Where??

By Carly Silver September 14, 2009

New Voices’s Humor Column


Making the Diaspora Bloom

By Toni Hellmann September 14, 2009

Jews energize environmentalism outside of Israel


Turki al-Faisal, you got it all wrong.

By rebeccablady September 14, 2009

This op-ed from the New York Times made me angry. Essentially, Turki al-Faisal insists in his article, titled “Land First, Then Peace,” that the only route toward peace is pre-1967 borders. Land first, peace later. Well, dear Saudi Arabian prince, with that mindset, we’ll surely make some progress now that we know where you stand…