Sex club shuttered, KinkyJews displaced?

By joshnathankazis April 24, 2009

The New York Law Journal reported on Tuesday that Casbar, a swinger’s club in Brooklyn, was closed by a city judge after investigators testified that they had observed “150-plus acts of fellatio and intercourse” on an undercover visit to the venue. I guess that’s what happens when your swinger’s club is profiled in the Times….


Heeb: The Musical…(Issue)

By elizabethalpern April 24, 2009

Depending on whether you love Heeb, or hate Heeb (and people generally feel only one way or the other), you might have attended last night’s Brooklyn launch party for Heeb’s Music Issue and have already devoured its glossy pages of irreverence and pics of cute hipsters.  You might have found that the issue is kind…